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Introducing Streambased A.S.K., the world’s first free, serverless service for running analytics on streaming data

Streambased A.S.K. is a free, easy-to-use service for analyzing streaming data without sign-up or deployment, enhancing predictive models and business insights securely.

July 5, 2024
4 Minutes


Today, we’re launching Streambased A.S.K., a free, zero-signup, zero-deployment cloud-based service for running analytical applications on streaming data. With Streambased A.S.K., your data engineering team can access the vast array of extra insights currently hidden inside their streaming platforms.

Using Streambased, you can:

  • Dramatically improve the accuracy of your predictive models by training them on streaming datasets.
  • Report on areas of the business that were previously black holes for analysts
  • Look at all the events that led to a conclusion rather than just the outcome.
  • Explore and innovate with new datasets as soon as they are available (milliseconds, not days).

At Streambased, we believe that streaming data is just another data source, and we challenge today’s high barrier to entry into this exciting area. All streaming datasets are “downwardly compatible” to batch and so we present the complex streaming structures as simple schemas, tables and columns that can be explored at will.

Getting started with Streambased A.S.K. is easy: simply point your favorite analysis tool (we love SquirrelSQL, Superset, Tableau, and Jupyter notebooks) at our public JDBC endpoint:


And experience our lobby data.  

When you’re ready to work with your own Kafka cluster, it’s as simple as setting connection properties in your application:

SET SESSION streambased_connection='{
required username=''xxxxxxxxxx'' password=''xxxxxxxxxxx'';",

All of your streaming data is available! Streambased A.S.K. will never store your data, connection details, or query history. Your session belongs to you, and once it’s over, no trace is left.

Streambased A.S.K. is the world’s first free, zero-signup, zero-deployment, and zero data transfer service for running analytical applications on streaming data. We believe that streaming data is valuable for all and are passionate about breaking down barriers to accessing it.

Tom Scott, CEO at Streambased, about this new release:

Streambased A.S.K. is both incredibly powerful and extremely easy to use. It allows you, data analysts, BI engineers, and data scientists, to interact with streaming data without changing the tools and techniques you’re comfortable with. We hope A.S.K. will be the first interaction with streaming data and the vital piece of insight needed to make that strategic decision.

— Tom Scott, CEO, Streambased. Repost this on LinkedIn →

Go to streambased.io/getting-started to experiment with Streambased A.S.K. live, and let us know what you think on LinkedIn.

Please note that the no sign-up nature of A.S.K. means that you can’t take advantage of Streambased indexing technology to supercharge your queries. If performance isn’t what you’d hoped, please reach out to us at info@streambased.io to discuss how we can fix it.

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Copyright 2024 Streambased Platform Limited. Company Number 14709247.