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Connecting to A.S.K. with Generic JDBC

Use Kafka sourced analytics in your JDBC based applications

Connect To A.S.K.
June 10, 2024
Read time:
6 Minutes

Video Guide

Connect Generic JDBC Client to Kafka


DISCLAIMER:- We have used SQirreL SQL client for this Tutorial other JDBC clients will have similar setup but please refer to the documentation of your SQL client to connect JDBC driver.


Step 1:- Download Trino Driver


Download the Trino Driver using the following link https://repo1.maven.org/maven2/io/trino/trino-jdbc/449/trino-jdbc-449.jar


Step 2:- Open JDBC client and Add the Driver


a. Select New Driver.

b. Enter the following information in each field:


  • Name: Trino
  • Example URL: jdbc:trino://host:port?SSL=true
  • Website URL: tps://trino.io


c. Select the Extra Class Path tab.


d. Click Add and navigate to the JDBC driver .jar you downloaded.


e. Click List Drivers.


f. Set the Class Name to io.trino.jdbc.TrinoDriver.


g. Click OK. Look for a success message in the client logs if the driver setup was successful


Step 3:- Enter the Configuration



a. Select Add Alias.


b. Enter the following information in each field:


Name: Streambased (or any meaningful name)

‍Driver: Streambased Trino (as created during the driver configuration steps)

‍URL: jdbc:trino://streambased.cloud:8443?SSL=true
User Name: streambasedΒ 


Step 4:- Test the Connection



Click Test Button from the Add Alias window and then the above Window appears click Connect

If the connection is successful Click Connect and follow the same instruction as followed during the test connection process


Step 5:- Run your Queries



Now run your queries


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