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Connecting To Streambased From PowerBI

This guide shows how to connect your Streambased deployment to PowerBI

Integrate With Your Analytical Tools
June 10, 2024
Read time:
6 Minutes

Video Guide


Pre-requisites: You must have a running Streambased server before following this guide. For details on how to run Streambased see the documentation here: https://streambased-io.github.io/streambased/index.html or run one of the demos here: https://github.com/streambased-io/streambased-demos

Step 1: Download and install the Streambased ODBC Driver

ODBC integration is provided by the Simba Trino ODBC Driver here: https://insightsoftware.com/drivers/trino-odbc-jdbc/

Download, install and licence this driver as is appropriate for your deployment.

Step 2: Create a new data source

Now start PowerBI and, under “Get Data”, select “More…”

In the popout search and select “ODBC”

Step 3: Configure the connection

Next configure the data source, connection details and query are supplied together:

The connection details are provided in a single string in form “Host={streambased server host};Port={streambased server port}

Step 4: Update the query result

Now you can preview and load the data source into PowerBI.

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