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Connecting To Streambased From Superset

Learn how to seamlessly integrate Superset with Streambased, enabling real-time data visualization and analytics for your streaming data.

Integrate With Your Analytical Tools
June 10, 2024
Read time:
7 Minutes

Video Guide



You must have a running Streambased server before following this guide. For details on how to run Streambased see the documentation here: https://streambased-io.github.io/streambased/index.html or run one of the demos here: https://github.com/streambased-io/streambased-demos


Step 1: Add a database


Locate the “Settings” button in the top right and select “Database Connections”



In the resulting screen select “+ Database” and select “Trino” as the database type:



Step 2: Configure the database


In the resulting screen configure the following properties:


DISPLAY NAME -> Streambased #(or other meaningful name to you)
SQLALCHEMY URI -> trino://streambased-server:8080/kafka


Note: The above configuration assumes that Streambased Server is running on a host named “streambased-server”, adjust the host and port settings according to your deployment.


Step 3: Test the connection


Click “TEST CONNECTION”, you should receive a message similar to the following:



Finally, click “CONNECT” to finalise the connection.


Step 4: Additional Configs


The following additional configurations are optional but we recommend them to get the best Streambased experience.

From the databases list, find your Streambased connection and select “Edit”




In the resulting screen click “ADVANCED” -> “SQL LAB”

We suggest to enable the “ALLOW DML” options. This enables the following in your SQL queries:


USE kafka.streambased -> # set the current schema for convenience

SET SESSION use_streambased = true/false -> enable/disable Streambased Acceleration

SET SESSION streambased_connection = {..} -> # pass custom Kafka connection configs to Streambased, you can use this to impersonate users and tune consumer parameters. For more info see: https://streambased-io.github.io/streambased/installation.html#connecting-to-streambased-server


Step 5: Run some test queries


Now you can see your database and schema from SQL Lab. Happy querying!



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